The Bogeyman
Episode 001“I decided to go live in London because of the diversity of its musical scene. I wanted to hear what Giles Peterson was describing on the radio and I was not disappointed. In London there is a huge freedom regarding music of all genres. All the record stores I’ve been to have something to teach you if you’re willing to explore different stuff. I’ve learned a lot by exchanging with the owners as they’ve heard more music that I will in my entire life. In Paris, things are different I guess. The mentalities in France are not oriented towards music as I feel this is still seen as a disturbance more than expression sometimes. In London, the city offers you the opportunity to truly experience music with different venues or clubs. This fairly influences the mentality of the people going out as well. I feel the British are more educated towards music than the French which greatly impacts the parties.”
You can read the full interview here.